Offer More Than You Ask

As a general guideline: We recommend offering to help 2x more than you ask for it.

Local vs. Global Posts

Religious and Political Debate

Jews in Tech is an incredibly diverse organization - religious, political, age, gender, race, geography, role in the tech ecosystem, experience in the workforce - that is what makes us so special and so valuable to one another. Please keep that in mind when interacting with others. This group brings together Jewish people to discuss tech. For that reason, we stay away from religious and political conversation:*

Jewish Activism Group Guidelines

Defamation and Sabotage

Defamation and sabotage are prohibited in Jews in Tech. Sharing information that defames or sabotages another person within or beyond the membership of Jews in Tech is not allowed, and doing so is cause for immediate removal from the community. Should there be a concern with a member of Jews in Tech, you may bring it up with the Director.

Business or Legal Conflict

Conflict between members or with anyone outside the community is the responsibility of those members and should not be discussed publicly in any Jews in Tech group.